Magento 1.x Prisync Module

Magento has officially announced that all versions of Magento 1 will become EOL (end of life) on June 30, 2020. This means that no quality fixes or security patches will be deployed for Magento 1 after this date.

However, if you want to keep using Magento 1 with your Prisync integration, follow the guide down below.


Magento 1.x Prisync Module Installation Guide

Magento has the built-in functionality to automatically install additional modules for your online store. All you need is the Prisync module archive and the script will install it for you in just a few clicks. In this tutorial we will explain in detail how to install the Prisync module for Magento via Magento Connect.

First step of Prisync installation on Magento platform
click image for larger view

Step 1

First, you need to login to your Magento Admin Panel. Then go to System -> Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager.

Second step of Prisync installation on Magento platform
click image for larger view

Step 2

When you go to that menu, a login page will appear and ask you to provide your administrator credentials again.

Third step of Prisync installation on Magento platform
click image for larger view

Step 3

Once you logged in, the below page will appear which has the section Direct package file upload to install the Prisync module for Magento.

Fourth step of Prisync installation on Magento platform
click image for larger view

Step 4

Download the extension down below and choose the module file which you got with this installation guide.

Then click the Upload button.

Fifth step of Prisync installation on Magento platform
click image for larger view

Step 5

Page will scroll down and the installation process will be visible.

At this point, you successfully installed the Prisync module for Magento 1 🙂

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