Price Skimming

Price skimming is when businesses present a new product with a high price tag and gradually decrease prices. This helps to recover research and development costs and establish a sense of exclusivity and premium quality.

Price skimming is particularly effective for products with little to no direct competition and those offering unique value to consumers. Companies can ‘skim’ layers of the market; as demand from this initial group decreases, the price is reduced to attract a broader, more price-sensitive audience by following this strategic approach.

Why is Price Skimming Important?

Price skimming is crucial because it allows businesses to create a premium brand image, maximize profits from early adopters, and expand their market reach by adjusting prices over time.

In the ecommerce landscape, price skimming can be highly effective, especially for technology products, software, and other innovative offerings that generate significant anticipation before their launch. Ecommerce platforms offer the flexibility to adjust prices dynamically based on real-time market data, consumer behavior, and competitor actions.

However, price skimming in ecommerce also presents challenges. The rapid pace of change in the digital marketplace means that competitors can quickly respond with similar products or aggressive pricing strategies,  necessitating a business to reduce its prices faster than planned.

The challenges of price skimming include limited market penetration due to high initial prices, the risk of imitation by competitors offering similar products at lower prices, and potential customer dissatisfaction when the price drops shortly after purchase. Consequently, this may result in damaging perceptions of the brand and affect customer loyalty.

Factors Influencing Price Skimming

Product Innovation

Price skimming is most effective for innovative products that offer unique features or significant improvements over existing options. For instance, when Tesla releases a new model with new technology, it sets a high initial price to capture tech enthusiasts who value innovation.

Market Demand

High demand at the product launch stage supports higher initial prices. Lowering the price captures additional customers who were previously priced out as demand decreases. For example, the high price of a new smartphone like the Samsung Galaxy leverages strong consumer interest, gradually decreasing as the company releases newer models.


The success of a price-skimming strategy significantly depends on the presence of competition in the market. If the market is slightly competitive, a company can keep prices higher for a longer period. If there is more competition, the pricing strategy may need to be adjusted quickly. For instance, Sony and Microsoft employed price skimming when they released the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, targeting hardcore gamers with high initial prices to capture maximum value from different consumer segments while staying competitive against each other.

Consumer Perception

A high initial price can recognize the product as a premium offering, creating a perception of exclusivity. However, it is crucial to manage this perception to prevent alienating early customers when prices decrease. For example, luxury brands like Rolex use skimming to reinforce their products’ exclusivity and high status by pricing them high at launch.

Applications in Business

Businesses need to grasp the concept of price skimming when making pricing decisions. Here are a few examples:

Price Skimming in the Technology Industry

Apple frequently employs this method when launching new iPhone models, targeting tech fans and early adopters. As new models are released, Apple reduces the prices of older models, ensuring they are accessible to a wider audience over time.

Price Skimming in Gaming Consoles

Sony often pursues price-skimming on PlayStation consoles. For example, when a new PlayStation is launched, the price is set high to appeal to dedicated gamers who want the latest technology. The price gradually decreases as the console gets older and faces more competition to appeal to more cost-conscious customers.

Price Skimming in Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer may use price skimming when new, patented drugs are released. The initial high price targets patients who need the latest treatment and can afford it. As patents expire and generic versions become available, the original drug’s price typically decreases.

Practical Price Skimming Examples

When Apple iPhone 14 Pro was first released, early adopters flocked to purchase the latest model at a premium price, enabling Apple to generate substantial revenue before lowering prices to target a more price-sensitive audience. As Apple introduced the iPhone 15 series, the company reduced the price of the iPhone 14 Pro to appeal to a broader audience, including budget-conscious shoppers, as the excitement faded.

Another example is the Sony PlayStation 5. Upon launch, the company offered it at a high price to capitalize on demand from dedicated gamers. As Sony releases newer game consoles or versions, it typically lowers the price of older models. This strategy makes them accessible to more casual gamers and expands their market reach.

Wrap Up

In the ecommerce industry, speed and flexibility are necessary. It’s crucial for companies to launch new, innovative products. Businesses should do this in a way that is both competitive and ethical. It also ensures that the product’s unique value justifies the initial high prices.

Companies can successfully implement price skimming by thoroughly understanding the strategy’s benefits and potential challenges. This practice ensures they fully leverage their product’s value and market demand.

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