M-Commerce Marketing: What You’re Probably Doing Wrong

M-Commerce Marketing: What You’re Probably Doing Wrong

July 26, 2016

Basics of Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is unlike traditional marketing. When developing a mobile marketing strategy, there are several things you have to do; otherwise, your messages might not be read and shared. Here are several ways to determine if you’re doing M-Commerce marketing wrong.

You’re Not Using a Mobile Landing Page

If you’re not using a mobile responsive landing page, your customers are more likely to click out and move on to another website that is mobile friendly. Did you know more than 72 percent of internet consumers want mobile-friendly sites? And that 70 percent of mobile searches result in some type of action being taken within an hour of any given search? That’s reason enough to make sure your website is mobile responsive.

Your Site’s Load Speeds Are Too Slow

Surveys show that 73 percent of internet consumers find the mobile websites they visit are too slow and 74 percent of them said they would click out of a site if it takes more than five seconds or more to load. Therefore, you need to test your site’s load speeds and make sure you are not losing customers because of this very preventable issue.

Why Are You Sending Emails When Your Customers Want Texts?

A growing number of people would rather receive special offers, information and other types of communication via text rather than receiving an email. Using SMS texts will also provide your customers with a direct connection to your company and an easier way to respond to your message if they choose to do so. SMS is also great for sending personalized codes linked to a customer’s shipping and payment information so you can provide them with personalized shopping recommendations, as well as other offers.

TMI – Too Much Information

There’s not much room on a mobile screen for lengthy m-commerce information. That means if your pages have too much content, whether that be text, graphics, ads or anything else, you might be driving your customers away. If a page is too busy, you will frustrate your readers and they will click out of the page because they don’t want to take the time or make the effort to scroll around to try and determine what your message is about.

You’re Page Isn’t Structured Properly

When using a mobile device, people have a tendency to skim the page to determine the m-commerce marketing message you are trying to convey before actually reading it. Therefore, you need to design your page in a fashion that allows the reader to easily skim through it to gather the information they need. That also means you need to include the most important parts of your message at the top. Furthermore, that important information must be worded in a way that it grabs your readers attention if you want them to continue reading any further.

Where is Your Company’s Phone Number?

It’s hard enough to navigate around on a mobile device when trying to find the information you need. So why are you making it so hard for your customers to find your phone number? You should prominently display your phone number at the top of the page. And don’t forget to make sure that it’s a click-to-call button.

If you would like more information about m-commerce and how to use it to your advantage, please contact us today and let us show you how we can help you take your eCommerce business to the next level.

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