
Prisync | Blog

Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

How to migrate to the new Google Sales Channel - Google online store and shopping cars and bags next to it
August 26, 2022

How to Migrate to the New Google Sales Channel on Shopify

It has very critical importance to follow new developments closely in a rapidly changing and thriving marketplace, ecommerce, where competition is super high. The Google sales channel will be run by Google as of September… Continue Reading

EU Consumer Protection Pricing Indication
June 22, 2022

EU Consumer Protection Indication of the Prices Guideline

ICON_PLACEHOLDEREstimated reading time: 7 minutes The European Union Committee has declared a directive for consumers’ protection in the indication of the prices of products offered. It’s aimed at consumer protection in the first place and… Continue Reading

E-Commerce Events
October 15, 2021

E-Commerce Events: Upcoming Events for 2022

E-commerce has increased significantly during the pandemics. COVID 19 fueled the growth of the sector but also put a stop to in-person e-commerce events in the last year and early 2020. With the increasing rate… Continue Reading

Ecommerce Day
March 6, 2020

e-Commerce Day on May 15, 2020 – made by [CANCELLED]

Hi Prisync readers! Unfortunately, the e-Commerce Day event is canceled due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Check out the cancellation announcement. The team is proud to announce! On Friday, May 15, we welcome you for… Continue Reading
