Unlimited Competitor Tracking by prisync

Unlimited Competitor Tracking

Unlimited competitor data tracking is what makes Prisync’s engine so powerful. It allows you the flexibility to see who you want as much as you want. If you want to track a small number of competitors and that’s what you want, that’s fine. If you want to track the entire globe, no problem!

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You can dynamically monitor an unlimited number of products and competitors. This means there is no limit for a product number, whether it’s 5, 5000, or 50,000. When a new competitor emerges or when a new competitive product line is launched, new data can simply be imported into the dashboard. Doing this type of workflow manual is not sustainable and is doomed to lose. Moreover, there may be areas that need to be improved in your business. Consider using your employees’ productivity and brain force for these areas and let the robots crawl the market and give you the most accurate data more than once every day. 

Once you’ve completed all these pre-automation setups, you can start gaining important insights compared to your competitors in a fully automated manner. It’s time to start taking action based on these insights.

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Our competitor data tracking engine has no limits. So, it’s up to you how many competitors you want to track. Still have questions? Contact us now.💬

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