Magento has officially announced that all versions of Magento 1 will become EOL (end of life) on June
30, 2020. This means that no quality fixes or security patches will be deployed for Magento 1 after this date.
However, if you want to keep using Magento 1 with your Prisync integration, follow the guide down below.
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Magento 1.x Prisync Module Installation Guide
Magento has the built-in functionality to automatically install additional modules for your online store. All you need is the Prisync module archive and the script will install it for you in just a few clicks. In this tutorial we will explain in detail how to install the Prisync module for Magento via Magento Connect.
click image for larger view
Step 1
First, you need to login to your Magento Admin Panel. Then go to System -> Magento Connect ->Magento Connect Manager.
click image for larger view
Step 2
When you go to that menu, a login page will appear and ask you to provide your administrator credentials again.
click image for larger view
Step 3
Once you logged in, the below page will appear which has the section Direct package file upload to install the Prisync module for Magento.
click image for larger view
Step 4
Download the extension down below and choose the module file which you got with this installation guide.