Case Study

How Landberg Saved Time

Landberg prisync case study

About the Client is a Denmark based e-commerce company that operates in the automotive industry by selling spare parts and automotive accessories to its customers. The products they sell don’t require deep technical information and can be categorized as “do it your self” products.

The company is a 100% e-commerce business that pays attention to its customer service operations to keep them happy at all times which is very crucial for today’s business world! is also the only company in Denmark that has a direct connection with Philips’s website as a reseller of their products. At the time of the case study, they had 50K monthly visitors, and the number was going up day by day. Jannie Skov Larsen who is one of the owners of the company explained their story with Prisync.

Landberg prisync case study
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Problems before Prisync

“Before we started using Prisync, we were spending a lot of time to track our competitors’ prices,” said Jannie. It’s clear that was having difficulties to track the market prices manually as it was really time-consuming and labor-intensive work.

She also said, “We were spending almost 2 days to get our competitive data for just 200-300 products and this was an unmanageable process as the data points we gathered at the beginning of this work were becoming out of date when we came to the end of work”.

Jannie has also mentioned that they didn’t always want to have the cheapest prices as their customer service really added value to their business and they wanted to track price increase trends in the market to keep their profit margins up.

Why Prisync?

When we asked their reasons to choose our service among the alternatives, Jannie said:

Two things were really important for us: Easy to setup-use and the possibility of further integration via API and Prisync has met all these requirements for us.

Jannie Skov Larsen / Co-owner of

Results after Prisync

“We’re now able to track about 600 products in just 5 minutes without any manual intervention. It really helps us take our pricing actions immediately instead of waiting for 2 days to gather the data” said Jannie.

The amount of time that they saved was dramatic and the person who was responsible for price tracking took over more tasks as he/she had more time left.

“We’ll also build the connection via API between Prisync and our internal systems to make our price changes automatically in the near future thanks to the Dynamic Pricing Feature and this will increase the automation in our processes” said Jannie.

Her closing remarks were “With Prisync we can really be effective running our business instead of looking at our competitors’ pricing!”


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