iPhone 8 Prices: Research from 31 Countries in 2017

iPhone 8 Prices: Research from 31 Countries in 2017

by Burc Tanir
September 14, 2017

As you should know, Apple introduced the new version of iPhone on the 12th of September 2017. After that news, we searched the prices of every iPhone 8 – 64GB in 31 countries and compared them with each other.

Also, we found PPP(GDP per capita per year) of every country from World Bank, and divided the prices of iPhone 8 – 64GB to PPP to understand how easy/difficult it is to buy the phone in those countries.

Furthermore, we discovered the gross minimum wages of some of the countries and calculated how much working hours do they need to work to buy the phone.

Lastly, we compared the prices of the phone with the current prices of iPhone 7 – 32GB to see the differences among 31 countries.

Key findings

The United States of America has the lowest price ($699) and Brazil has the highest ($1259) for the phone among 31 countries. The average price is ($918).

Besides USA having the lowest price, when compared with price per country with GDP per capita, Luxembourg seems to have the cheapest price for the phone. Among 31 countries, South Africans pay the highest price in comparison to GDP per capita.

When compared with the gross minimum wage salaries of the countries, Australians work the least (62 hours) and Mexicans work the most (1650 hours) to buy the phone. Australians work 1.47 weeks and Mexicans work 41.25 weeks to own the phone. That is almost a year for Mexicans 🙁

When compared with iPhone 7 – 32GB it’s clearly seen that the difference is lowest in Sweden and New Zealand and highest in the UAE and Russia.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our research and gained some valuable insights. Please let us know if you want any other research similar to these in the comments section down below.

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