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World Pricing Day 9.9

pricing matters.

On the 9th of September, seasoned experts will share their insights and experiences to create awareness and keep you informed about the latest pricing improvements.

Featured Speakers

Burc Tanir

CEO, Prisync

Laura Higgins

Head of Customer & Growth Strategy, EY-Parthenon

Joe Fleming

Director, VenorTech

Sanda Macic

Inside Sales Specialist, Prisync

Jochen Schmidt

Manager Solution Strategy EMEA, Pricefx

Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky

CEO, Price Management Institute

Burc Tanir

CEO, Prisync

Laura Higgins

Head of Customer & Growth Strategy, EY-Parthenon

Joe Fleming

Director, VenorTech

Sanda Macic

Inside Sales Specialist, Prisync

Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky

CEO, Price Management Institute

Jochen Schmidt

Manager Solution Strategy EMEA, Pricefx

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CEO & Co-Founder, Prisync

Burc Tanir

Burç Tanır is an entrepreneur, father and husband, traveller, cinephile, Co-Founder and CEO at Prisync. He has 8 years of experience in helping e-commerce companies make profitable and impactful pricing decisions and over 10 years of experience in the SaaS space. He is an international speaker, and he presents at various conferences each year, including Ecommerce Tech, Ecommerce Growth Summit, Emerce E-commerce Heysummit, and Commerce Now ‘21.

Topic: Why Pricing Matters?

Short Description: Why pricing? Why now? Because it matters and it matters way more than ever now. Professionals across various industries would agree – as they’re trying to adapt to all the volatility across their supply chains. Burc will try to emphasize the importance of bringing pricing professionals together and triggering perspective exchanges between B2C & B2B or services & retail.

Director, VenorTech

Joe Fleming

Joe Fleming is the Principal Recruiter (& Company Founder/Director) at VenorTech Limited – founded in 2008. He has been recruiting and placing people in pricing and pricing related roles for almost 17 years. They work with Software, Consulting and Industry, covering the UK, Europe & US – we are UK based. Before founding VenorTech, Joe worked for a boutique headhunting firm helping US tech companies expand into Europe.

Topic: How to Attract & Hire Pricing Talent

Short Description: Joe will talk about the challenges and opportunities companies are facing in the current hiring market. Looking at how you can go about identifying and appealing to people of interest, then how to manage your hiring process to give you the best chance of a successful outcome.

CEO, Price Management Institute

Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky

Markus is an experienced pricing expert, passionate researcher, and the founder of the Price Management Institute, consulting eCommerce companies to grow revenue, profit, and company value. As a guest researcher at Freie Universität Berlin, Markus advises doctoral students and contributes to cutting-edge pricing research. After many years in consulting, he worked and led within the “pricing machine room ” for a worldwide-leading online retailer. He authored books and academic papers on pricing.

Topic: How to Grow in Ecommerce with the Power of Psychological Pricing?

Short Description: Psychological pricing is a “hot” topic. Do you wonder how to consciously leverage a “soft” subject for “hard” results? Then this presentation is for you. You will leave with a few sparks of inspiration that make you still think about your pricing and price presentation strategy once the talk is over.

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Head of Customer & Growth Strategy, EY-Parthenon

Laura Higgins

Laura is a Commercial Strategy Leader with extensive experience advising C-Suite. Supports clients in unlocking value in their organization and delivering on sustainable growth ambitions. Passionate about diversity and women in business. Enjoys paddle boarding with wife and kids.

Topic: Holistic Commercial Excellence

Short Description: B2B organisations often invest in pricing, sales or even digital initiatives to boost top line growth. Many times business cases for these investments observe some growth results, but fall short of the original ambitions explained to leadership. Our experience shows us that one reason is because B2B organisations look at problems in isolation of the broader commercial value chain. We will explore real case examples to understand the pitfalls organisations should avoid.

Inside Sales Specialist, PrISYNC

Sanda Macic

Sanda Macic is an experienced sales and marketing specialist with a background in engineering. In the past 15 years, she has been helping various industries with market research and pricing strategies for their new and existing products. Sanda is responsible for Prisync’s Americas operations and helping eCommerce retailers to make more profitable pricing decisions. Sanda is a globetrotter and a passionate tennis player.

Topic: The Most Common & Primary Ecommerce Pricing Strategies

Short Description: When setting prices, ecommerce business owners employ a variety of strategies that take production costs, the lifetime value of the customers, and revenue goals into account to reach out to target customers. The crucial task is to imply the right pricing strategy for your type of product and business.

Manager Solution Strategy EMEA, pRICEFX

Jochen Schmidt

As a manager of solution strategy, Jochen has gathered over a decade of experience in the pricing industry. Working for multiple consultancy companies and implementing pricing software in various industries as an E2E project manager and configuration engineer, this combination of technical experience and strategic knowledge he owns is vital in the pricing software industry. Jochen is a motivated problem solver who is happy to engage with companies to support them on their pricing journey.


Topic: What B2B can learn from B2C

Short Description: As the way of working has changed drastically, B2B was affected by B2C requirements when it comes to the accessibility of a seamless purchasing experience. The transparency of local and global markets forces manufacturers and distributors to adapt to keep an advantage in a more competitive environment. In this session, we will go into the top learning B2B manufacturers and distributors can get from a more mature B2C market.

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