Customer Testimonials

In addition to highly positive reviews we get around the web, we've published testimonials from a wide range of our customers here to help give you an idea of what we're all about.

tracaomania website view
tracaomania logo

Simple to use, to see data, and to import/export products in scale. In addition, their…

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maison adam store view
maison adam logo

– Easy to configure– Good report every day to help us stay on top Stéphane…

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vitacom store photo
vitacom logo

– It’s possible to reach price history – You can get daily reports for links…

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universal fans store view
universal fans logo

Very easy to use, accurate, and daily summary email of changes is great. Stuart Meaney…

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vibe kayak store photo
vibe kayak store logo

Prisync was so intuitive and simple to set up and get running. Lauren Nelson /…

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Dental Leader website view
dental leader logo

Prisync is really easy to use. Moreover, customer service is very fast and nice. You…

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moto central store view
moto central logo

The support is amazing and allows you to move forward at a faster pace. The…

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Website of Bella bathrooms and tiles
bella bathrooms and tiles logo

The software enables me to stay market competitive. Deon Katzen / Ceo at Bathrooms &…

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