Amazon Seller Pricing Strategy for 2023: Set Optimal Prices for Profits

Amazon Seller Pricing Strategy for 2023: Set Optimal Prices for Profits

by Ekin Ozcan
May 18, 2023

Amazon has been well-known for competitive pricing on a wide range of products. An effective competitive pricing strategy is vital for Amazon sellers who want to succeed. That’s why retailers need to be aware of the market prices of their products and adjust pricing accordingly to remain competitive.

This article will explore different Amazon pricing strategies that can help you win on Amazon and differentiate your store from the competition.

Amazon Pricing

Pricing on Amazon is vital. Amazon’s consumer-centric approach has led retailers to pay more attention to their pricing model. Its data-driven focus on competitive product prices makes retailers’ jobs more difficult. Retailers are forced to offer competitive prices because if they price higher than their competitors, they may lose the Buy Box, where most sales occur. 

That’s why you need to take time to determine the best pricing strategy for your audience is essential for success. First, we will define Amazon’s Pricing Policy. Then, we will look closer at the best practices of Amazon’s pricing strategies for long-term growth.

Amazon Pricing Policy

Amazon sellers have the freedom to define how much to sell their products. However, Amazon has a set of guidelines called the Amazon Fair Pricing Policy. It is created to prevent “pricing practices on a marketplace offer that harms customer trust.” Each Amazon seller should avoid the following before determining their offering:

  1. Setting an excessive shipping fee.
  2. Creating a reference price on a product can mislead customer trust.
  3. Offering a higher price of multiple items than it would cost to purchase individually.
  4. Pricing products that are substantially higher than recent prices on Amazon.

Sellers who repeatedly break Amazon’s Fair Pricing Policy get their accounts suspended. Ensure that how you price your products doesn’t damage the customer’s trust in Amazon. 

Monitor the Market to Stay Competitive

The first and easiest way to determine prices is to understand your target market, costs, and competitors. Because at the end of the day, you are selling to your customers and need them in your store. But you need to know their wants and needs to get closer to making any sales. 

Since price wars that lead to price change minute by minute force online retailers to apply better pricing strategies, but before deciding on a pricing strategy, you should be aware of your competitors, such as their website design, social media activity, and, most important, pricing. How frequently they change their offerings, how competitive they are, and how you want to position your store in front of them are some primary questions you can ask. 

Track Competitors to Adjust Your Pricing Strategy

If you price too high, you risk losing sales. If you price too low, you struggle to profit with competition growing and costs rising in global markets; finding a sweet spot’s more crucial than ever. This is the central struggle of Amazon pricing.

As a solution, you can track your competitors’ price changes. There are two different ways of tracking. One of them is to do it manually and create an Excel spreadsheet to collect all price points. Then you need to compare different prices and decide which pricing strategy to apply. This way leads to you losing lots of time and takes lots of effort. Another way is to work with a competitor’s price tracking tool. You can automatically track your competitors’ pricing and get notifications when price changes occur.

Start your Free Trial with Competitor Price Tracking

Remember that competitor prices are among the most critical factors in Amazon pricing since you have to offer competitive prices to win customers and Buy Boxes. You should know your competitors’ offerings, whichever model you choose.

Drive More Sales with Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing has become one of the popular pricing strategies in e-commerce. As a definition, it’s a pricing model that allows retailers to change their prices based on market demand, competitors’ pricing, time, seasonality, and other factors depending on your business. 

Online retailers love dynamic pricing because they want to keep their prices flexible. Also, dynamic pricing allows repricing, which frequently adjusts its pricing based on competitors’ offerings. Retailers can automate their pricing with dynamic pricing while considering vital factors such as costs, competitor pricing, seasonality, and customer’s willingness to pay. 

Additionally, dynamic pricing is a great strategy open to experimenting with your pricing. You can move around price points and find the one that gets the most sales and drives more profit. But remember that the price point you’ve found might not get you the highest profit because of competition-based pricing on Amazon.

Amazon Pricing Tips

  • Be aware of Amazon’s Pricing Policy. You can avoid any potential issues that can hurt your business.
  • Keep an eye on your competitors’ pricing. You can stay competitive and make informed pricing decisions.
  • Automate your pricing strategy. You can save time and adjust your prices more effectively.  
  • Experiment with your pricing. You can offer different price points until you find the one that gets the most sales. 


Pricing your products can be challenging wherever you sell, but Amazon is at a different level where price wars are intense. There is no one-size-fits-all pricing strategy for success. But you can follow the above mentioned steps and take your business to the next level. 

To stay ahead of the competition, sellers must be agile, well-informed, and competitive with their pricing strategy. With the highly competitive landscape of e-commerce, retailers need to invest in advanced automatic pricing solutions to keep up with the competition. 

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