
Prisync | Blog

Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

Penetration Pricing
April 10, 2018

Penetration Pricing: Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages

One of the hardest things for any e-commerce owner is making people aware of your new products or services. Since 17% of consumers value price over personalized experience, corporate values, or convenience, the best strategy… Continue Reading

Warehouse Strategy
April 4, 2018

Warehouse Strategy: 5 Quick Wins to Save Time & Money

The warehouse is the lifeblood of any e-commerce business. If it doesn’t run smoothly, your customers are left waiting. Or worse - receiving mixed up or totally incorrect orders. MetaPack’s 2015 State of Ecommerce Delivery… Continue Reading

Product Bundling
April 3, 2018

Product Bundling: What You Should Know About It

Why sell one product when you could sell four, our five, or even six? As a savvy e-commerce store owner, you know you need to increase your average order value if you want to see… Continue Reading

Discounting & Promotion Strategies for E-Commerce
March 27, 2018

Discounting and Promotion Strategies | Getting It Right in E-commerce

Discounts and promotions are something every e-commerce business owner should think about carefully. It’s a tricky situation, you want to include lots of discounts and promotions to keep customers coming back to your store, or… Continue Reading

Cart Abandonment 06
March 22, 2018

Cart Abandonment Reduction: How To Use Drip Emailing

An ecommerce business owner, you should be quite familiar with cart abandonment rates, as it is a major concern that impacts their business revenue. Cart abandonment signifies a customer choosing to shop, adding some products… Continue Reading

Shopify Marketing 10 Tactics for Growth
March 21, 2018

Shopify Marketing: 10 Incredibly Effective Tactics to Boost Sales

ICON_PLACEHOLDEREstimated reading time: 13 minutes Table of contents Consider using a competitive pricing strategy Write SEO-driven content pieces Leverage influencer marketing Launch a giveaway Set up a loyalty program Get more reviews Send cart abandonment… Continue Reading

Prisync Api 02
March 20, 2018

Prisync API Tutorial: Part 2 for Gathering Data

Welcome to the 2nd of Prisync API Tutorial Series aiming to clarify the API foundations. In the first blog post, I speculated about: which problems Prisync (and the API V2.0) solves on behalf of you,… Continue Reading

March 19, 2018

Amazon Pricing: How to Compete if Not Lose

Are you putting off starting your eCommerce business because you worry you won’t be able to compete with the likes of Amazon? You worry that you spend weeks, or even months researching a product you… Continue Reading

Price Monitoring
March 15, 2018

Price Monitoring: Manual vs. Internal vs. SaaS

Now more than ever consumers can choose where and who they purchase from. To keep up with your potential customers and current competitors, you need to find some way to start price monitoring. This will… Continue Reading

Consumer Electronics
March 13, 2018

Consumer Electronics Marketing: Tips for E-commerce Brands

Table of contents Understand your audience Social media Fitbit’s video marketing strategy Social marketing strategy for consumer electricals Customer-created content Electronic pricing strategy Consumer electronics industry marketing tips Frequently asked questions Running a consumer electronics… Continue Reading