
Prisync | Blog

Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

E-Commerce Analytics
May 24, 2018

E-Commerce Analytics: Understanding the Customer Journey

The customer journey is an essential part of your sales process because it’s ultimately your sales funnel. Understanding the exact process that a customer undergoes when they are researching, deciding, and purchasing from you is… Continue Reading

Food Marketing
May 22, 2018

Food Industry: Marketing Tips for Ecommerce

So you have a food brand, huh? You might have tried your luck selling your products on stalls in local markets, or perhaps you’ve even gone as far as to approach your local or national… Continue Reading

Strategy Differences
May 15, 2018

Price Discrimination: Definition, Degrees, and Takeaways

Ecommerce experts and marketers often use the phrases ecommerce price discrimination and dynamic pricing interchangeably. This is partly true, however, there are strategy differences that set the two apart. In this article, we’re going to… Continue Reading

Price Perception
May 10, 2018

Price Perception: How Consumers Perceive Price & What to Do

One of the most intriguing subjects for marketers is how consumers perceive prices. When they see a price tag, can they rationally evaluate the costs, industry norms, competitor prices, etc. before making a purchasing decision?… Continue Reading

Magento Extension 03
May 7, 2018

Magento Extension: A Guide to Prisync Integration

Hey Magento users or the ones who are planning to use Magento for their online store, are you ready to meet with the most exciting Magento extension? If so, just sit back and keep reading!… Continue Reading

Prisync Api 03
May 2, 2018

Prisync API: 15 Ideas to Increase Sales

I know you are surrounded with a thousand analytics tools; tools measuring the visitor traffic or conversion rates on your webshop; other tools monitoring your ads on Google or Facebook; gadgets for A/B testing; tools… Continue Reading

Marketing Tips
April 24, 2018

Home Garden And Tools Industry: Marketing Tips for E-comm.

Selling homemade, garden, tools or handmade goods requires a different approach to marketing in order to get it right. The reason there is a differentiation between how you sell these products and say, dog products… Continue Reading

Magento Extension 01
April 11, 2018

Magento Extension: Prisync is Fully Integrated Now

Today is one of the exciting milestones for us as we're introducing our Magento extension integration to all of the Magento community. Yes, that's correct, Prisync's Magento extension! More than 400,000 websites around the globe… Continue Reading

Penetration Pricing
April 10, 2018

Penetration Pricing: Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages

One of the hardest things for any e-commerce owner is making people aware of your new products or services. Since 17% of consumers value price over personalized experience, corporate values, or convenience, the best strategy… Continue Reading

Warehouse Strategy
April 4, 2018

Warehouse Strategy: 5 Quick Wins to Save Time & Money

The warehouse is the lifeblood of any e-commerce business. If it doesn’t run smoothly, your customers are left waiting. Or worse - receiving mixed up or totally incorrect orders. MetaPack’s 2015 State of Ecommerce Delivery… Continue Reading