
Prisync | Blog

Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

shopify and google shopping together for e-commerce sellers
August 10, 2022

How to Sell on Google with Shopify

Google Shopping is a "new product discovery experience" as Google describes. The goal is to create an easier way to access research purchases, and information about different products, their features, and prices. Also, it provides… Continue Reading

by Melike Ulaman
Sell on Google Shopping
July 27, 2022

How to Sell on Google Shopping?

What is Google Shopping? Google Shopping is a comparison shopping platform that allows retailers to advertise their products to searchers in a visually appealing way.  The goal is to create an easier way to access… Continue Reading

by Melike Ulaman
Ecommerce Automates Series
July 1, 2021

Meet the AutoMates | Automation Will Bring You Success in Ecommerce

Do you know what's one thing that brought many companies success? The power of automation. When you think of automation, time and cost savings come to mind immediately. But it's so much more than that.… Continue Reading

by Prisync
May 6, 2021

Prisync Has Joined 3 Great Industry Associations This Year

The spirit of 2020 has genuinely affected Prisync’s approach to partnerships. We’ve joined three very dynamic industry associations last year. What started as an attempt to build an active line of communication with a variety… Continue Reading

by Prisync
Variant Price Tracking
April 22, 2021

Product Variant Tracking: What Difference Prisync Makes

A wide product assortment. Advantage or disadvantage? Well, from a shoppers’ perspective, you’re always better off choosing from different options, right? That’s why most online sellers spend a good deal of their time on building… Continue Reading

by Kadir Surer
September 23, 2020

Leader Pricing Software: According to G2 Fall Report

Receiving feedback from users is vital to our success. We want to make sure that we are providing the best possible experience for our users and that we are working with you as much as possible to make sure that we can meet your expectations. Today, we are very proud to be selected as the market leader in "Pricing Software"… Continue Reading

by Burc Tanir
Holiday Season
September 8, 2020

Holiday Season Sales: Be Prepared for 2020

It's been a tough year. I know many of you are waiting for this holiday season to stir up some demand, as we all struggled to mitigate the impact of the crisis in the first… Continue Reading

by Prisync
COVID19 Related Online Price Increases
June 4, 2020

Covid19 Price Hikes Part 2: 10 Products in the UK Market

In mid-March, the wave of panic buying and stockpiling set off by the COVID-19 pandemic led to extreme price increases on essential products people had stocked up on (the inexplicable toilet roll grab comes to… Continue Reading

by Prisync
Competitor Price Watch
May 11, 2020

Prisync Acquired CPW: Financial Details Undisclosed

Our company, Prisync, has just made its 2nd acquisition to date and acquired its UK-based competitor Competitor Price Watch. (We acquired our AU-based competitor Spotlite back in March 2019.) The Announcement UK-based Competitor Price Watch… Continue Reading

by Burc Tanir
January 21, 2020

Prisync Recap 2019: A Great Year Has Passed

It has been a year of marvelous growth at Prisync. We've continued to develop at a fast pace with numbers of new features big and small – from bulk managing your data to better filtering… Continue Reading

by Burc Tanir