
Prisync | Blog

Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

Content Marketing Main Source of E-Commerce Traffic
April 25, 2016

Content Marketing: Main Source of E-Commerce Traffic

The e-commerce market has cutting-edge competitiveness in its nature. So, it becomes crucial to cover every area of marketing for e-commerce businesses. Content marketing is one of the main marketing strategies that e-commerce businesses adopt.… Continue Reading

by Nil Erden
Cart Abandonment How E-Commerce Companies Handle It
December 16, 2015

Cart Abandonment: How E-Commerce Companies Handle It

Shopping is a journey And as it the case in many journeys, customer journey in e-commerce also contains many stages, and an accomplished purchase is just one of the very obvious stages in this journey.… Continue Reading

by Samet Atdag